Article Publications

Teun A. van Dijk


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This is an ongoing project (of scanning, etc.) which will take some time. I hope that eventually all my older articles (especially those in English and Spanish) will be available here. 

When citing these articles, please cite the original source of publication (year, journal or book, as well as page numbers) as mentioned below. These source details are NOT mentioned in the articles themselves. 

In my List of Publications on this website you may find some more information about each article, e.g., if it was given as a paper at a conference. 

If articles do not have references (bibliography) this is because there is a general reference list for a whole book. (I hope to add these references later). 

Especially the older articles have nearly all been scanned. This means that errors may have been made that I may have overlooked. Please help me to trace these errors and report them to me (vandijk at Thanks. 

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The list of articles below is ordered by year of publication (not of writing). 

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The list of articles below is ordered by year of publication (not of writing).

Models for text grammars

Paper 4th Int. Congress of Logic, Methodology and Philosophy of Science. Bucharest, 1971
Linguistics 105, 1972, 35-68.

Philosophy of action and theory of narrative

Poetics 5, 1976, 287-332.

Action, action description, narrative

New Literary History 6, 1975, 273-294.

Formal semantics of metaphorical discourse

Poetics 4, 1975, 173-198.

Narrative macrostructures

Cognitive and logical foundations. Paper Colloquium ‘Linguistics and literary studies’, Thaxsted (Essex), 1975.
PTL 1, 1976, 547-568.

Acceptability in context

In: S. Greenbaum, (Ed.), Acceptability in Language . The Hague: Mouton, 1977, 39-62.

Complex semantic information processing

Paper Int. Workshop on Linguistics and Documentation, Stockholm, 1976.
In: D. Walker, et al., (Eds.) Natural language in information science . Stockholm: Skriptor, 1977, 127-164.

Context and cognition

Knowledge frames and speech act comprehension.
Journal of Pragmatics 1, 1977, 211-232.

Semantic macro-structures and knowledge frames in discourse

In Marcel A Just & Patricia A. Carpenter (Eds). Cognitive processes in comprehension. (pp. 3-31).New York: Psychology Press, 1977.

Sentence topic and discourse topic

Papers in Slavic Philology 1, 1977, 49-61.

The pragmatics of discourse

In Teun A. van Dijk, Text and Context. Explorations in the Semantics and Pragmatics of Discourse. London, 1977.

A note on the partial equivalence of text grammars and context grammars

In: M. Loflin & J. Silverberg, (Eds.) Discourse and inference in cognitive anthropology . The Hague: Mouton, 1978, 135-144.

Cognitive processing of literary discourse

Paper Coloquio Int. sobre Poetica, Semiologia y Teoria de la Significacion. Mexico City, 1978.
Poetics Today 1, 1979, 143-160.

Pragmatic connectives

Paper Int. Congress of Linguists, Vienna, 1977.
Journal of Pragmatics 3, 1979, 447-456.

The semantics and pragmatics of functional coherence in discourse

In: A. Ferrara, (Ed.) Speech act theory: Ten years later. Special issue of Versus (Milano), 26/27, 1980

Discourse studies and education

Paper Applied Linguistics in Language Teaching Conference, Berne, 1979.
Read at the Annual Meeting of the Australian Applied Linguistics Association, Sydney, 1979.
Applied Linguistics 2, 1981, 1-26

Episodes as units of discourse analysis

Paper 32nd Georgetown Round Table on Language and Linguistics, 1981.
In: D. Tannen, (Ed.) Analyzing Discourse: Text and Talk . Washington, D.C.: Georgetown U.P., 1982, 177-195.

Towards an empirical pragmatics

Some social psychological conditions of speech acts. Philosophica 27, 198?, 127-138

Relevance in text and context

Paper Nobel Symposium on Text Processing, Stockholm, 1980.
In: S. Allen, (Ed.) Text processing . Stockholm: Almqvist & Wiksell, 1982, 415-432.

Cognitive situation models in discourse production

The expression of ethnic situation models in prejudiced stories. 1983.
In: J.P. Forgas, (Ed.) Language and social situations , 61-79. New York: Springer, 1985.

Semantic discourse analysis

In: van Dijk, (Ed.) Handbook of Discourse Analysis. London: Academic Press, 1985, vol. 2, 103-136.

Structures of news in the press

In: van Dijk, (Ed.) Discourse and Communication. Berlin; De Gruyter, 1985, pp. 69-93.

How they hit the headlines

Ethnic Minorities in the Press.
In Geneva Smitherman-Donaldson & Teun A. van Dijk (Eds.), Discourse and Discrimination . pp. 221-262. Detroit, MI: Wayne State University Press, 1988.

Semantics of a press panic

The Tamil «invasion».
European Journal of Communication , 3, 1987, 167-187

Critical news analysis

Paper Instito Internacional de Semiotica y de Comunicacion, Granada, September 10-12, 1987.
Critical Studies 1 (1989) 103-126.

Race, riots and the press

An analysis of editorials in the British press about the 1985 disorders.
Gazette , 43, 1989, 229-253.

Structures and strategies of discourse and prejudice

In T. M. Willemsen & J. P. Van Oudenhoven (Eds.) Ethnic Minorities. Social Psychological Perspectives. Garland, 1990.

Issues in Functional Discourse Analysis

In H. Pinkster (Ed.), Liber Amicorum for Simon Dik . (pp. 27-46). Dordrecht: Foris, 1990.

Social cognition and discourse

In: H. Giles & R.P. Robinson (Eds.), Handbook of social psychology and language , pp. 163-183. Chichester: Wiley, 1989

The interdisciplinary study of news as discourse

In K. Bruhn-Jensen & N. Jankowksi (Eds.), Handbook of Qualitative Methods in Mass Communication Research. (pp. 108-120). London: Routledge, 1991.

Discourse and the denial of racism

Paper Int. Congress «The decolonization of imagination», Amsterdam, May 3-5, 1991.
Discourse & Society , 3 (1992), 87-118.

Racism and argumentation

«Race Riot» Rhetoric in Tabloid Editorials.
In F. H. van Eemeren, et al. (Eds.) Argumentation illuminated. Dordrecht: Foris, 1992, pp. 242-259.

Racism, elites and conversation

Atlantis (Revista de la Asociacion espa¤ola de estudios anglo-norteamericanos) . 14 (1/2), 1992, 201-257.

Text, talk, elites and racism

Discours Social/Social Discourse (Montreal), 4 (1/2), 1992, 37-62.

Analyzing racism through discourse analysis

Some methodological reflections.
In: J. Stanfield & R. Dennis (Eds.), Race and ethnicity in Research Methods . (pp. 92-134). Newbury Park, CA: Sage, 1993.
Also in Socialist Studies Bulletin , 30, 1992, 17-23.

Denying racism – Elite discourse and racism

In J. Solomos & J. Wrench (Eds.). Racism and Migration in Western Europe. (pp. 179-193). Oxford: Berg, 1993.

Discourse and cognition in society

In D. Crowley & D. Mitchell, Communication Theory Today. (pp. 107-126). Oxford: Pergamon Press, 1993.

Principles of critical discourse analysis

The expression of ethnic situation models in prejudiced stories. 1983.
In: J.P. Forgas, (Ed.) Language and social situations , 61-79. New York: Springer, 1985.

Stories and racism

In D. Mumby (Ed.). Narrative and social control . (Newbury Park, CA: Sage, 1993, 121-142.

Discourse and inequality

Keynote address Int. Conference of the International Communication Association (ICA), Dublin, June 29, 1990.
Lenguas Modernas (Universidad de Chile), 21 (1994), 19-37.

Aims of critical discourse analysis

Japanese Discourse , 1 (1), 17-28, 1995.

Discourse analysis as ideology analysis

In C. Schäffner & A. Wenden (Eds.), Language and Peace . (pp. 17-33). Aldershot: Dartmouth Publishing. 1995.

Discourse semantics and ideology

Discourse & Society 5(2), 243-289, 1995.

Elite discourse and the reproduction of racism

Paper for the Int. Conference on European Racism. Hamburg, September 25-30, 1990.
In R. K. Slayden & D. Slayden (Eds.) Hate Speech. (pp. 1-27). Newbury Park: Sage, 1995.

Ideological discourse analysis

New Courant (English Dept, University of Helsinki), 4 (1995), 135-161. Special issue Interdisciplinary approaches to Discourse Analysis , ed. by Eija Ventola and Anna Solin.

Power and the news media

Paper contributed to the international conference «The role of communication and information in contemporary societies», Mundaka, Vizcaya, Spain, September 13-15, 1992.
In D. Paletz (Ed.), Political Communication and Action. (pp. 9-36). Cresskill, NJ: Hampton Press, 1995.

The mass media today

Discourses of domination or diversity?
Javnost/The Public (Ljubljana), 2(2), 1995, 27-45.

Cognitive context models and discourse

In Stamenov, M. I. (Ed.). (1997). Language structure, discourse and the access to consciousness (Vol. 12). (pp.189-226). Amsterdam: John Benjamins Publishing.

Political discourse and racism

The expression of ethnic situation models in prejudiced stories. 1983.
In: J.P. Forgas, (Ed.) Language and social situations , 61-79. New York: Springer, 1985.

Pragmatic macrostructures in discourse and cognition

Paper Int. Colloquium ‘The Cognitive Viewpoint’, Ghent, 1977.
In: M. de Mey, et al., (Eds.) CC 77 , University of Ghent, 1977, 99-113.

Relevance assignment in discourse comprehension

Discourse Processes 2, 1979, 113-126.

Opinions and ideologies in the press

Paper Round Table on Media Discourse, Cardiff, July 8-10, 1995.
In Allan Bell and Peter Garrett (Eds.), Approaches to Media Discourse. (pp. 21-63). Oxford: Blackwell, 1998.

Context models in discourse processing

In Van Oostendorp, H., & Goldman, S. R. (1998). The construction of mental representations during reading. (pp. 123-148). New York: Psychology Press.

Ideologies, racism, discourse

Debates on immigration and ethnic issues.
In Jessika ter Wal & Maykel Verkuyten (Eds.), Comparative perspectives on racism. (pp. 91-116). Aldershot etc.: Ashgate, 2000.

New(s) racism – a discourse analytical approach

In: Simon Cottle (Ed.), Ethnic Minorities and the Media. (pp. 33-49). Milton Keynes, UK: Open University Press, 2000.

On the analysis of parliamentary debates on immigration

In M. Reisigl & R. Wodak (Eds.), Th semiotics of racism. Approaches to critical discourse analysis. (pp. 85-103). Vienna: Passagen Verlag, 2000.

The reality of racism

On analyzing parliamentary debates on immigration.
In Guido Zurstiege (Hrsg.), Festschrift für die Wirklichkeit (=Festschrift for Siegfried Schmidt). (pp. 211-226). Wiesbaden: Westdeutscher Verlag, 2000.

Critical discourse analysis

The expression of ethnic situation models in prejudiced stories. 1983.
In: J.P. Forgas, (Ed.) Language and social situations , 61-79. New York: Springer, 1985.

Discourse, ideology and context

Paper for the 7th International Conference of Pragmatics. Budapest, July 2000.
Folia Linguistica, XXX/1-2, 2001, 11-40 (Special issue edited by Ruth Wodak).

Political discourse and political cognition

In Paul A. Chilton & Christina Schäffner (Eds.), Politics as Text and Talk. Analytical approaches to political discourse. (pp. 204-236). Amsterdam: Benjamins, 2002.

Discourse-knowledge interface

In Gilbert Weiss & Ruth Wodak (Eds.), Critical Discourse Analysis. Theory and Interdisciplinarity. (pp. 85-109). Houndsmills, UK: Palgrave-MacMillan, 2003.

Ideology and discourse

Unpublished book. Only on this website.

Knowledge in parliamentary debates

Journal of Language and Politics , 2(2003), 93-129. Special issue on identity politics. Ed. by Paul Chilton.

Contextual knowledge management

Contextual knowledge management in discourse production. Paper read at the Society for Text and Discourse Conference, Madrid 26-28, 2003.
New version, under the title «Contextual knowledge management in discourse production. A CDA perspective» published in Ruth Wodak and Paul Chilton (Eds.), A New Agenda in (Critical) Discourse Analysis. (pp. 71-100) Amsterdam: Benjamins, 2005.

War rhetoric of a little ally

Political implicatures of Aznar’s Legitimization of the War in Iraq. Paper CDA Symposium Copenhagen, May, 2003.
Journal of Language and Politics, 4(1), pp. 65-92, 2005. Special issue “The Soft Power of War. Legitimacy and community in Iraq war discourses.” edited by Lilie Chouliaraki.

Discourse and manipulation

Paper CDA Congress Athens, May 20-21, 2005. Discourse & Society, 17(2), 359-383, 2006.

Discourse, context and cognition

Discourse Studies, 8(1), 159-177, 2006.

Ideology and discourse analysis

Paper symposium on ideology, Oxford University, September 2004.
Journal of Political Ideologies, 11 (2006), 115-140.
Reprinted in Michael Freeden (Ed.), The meaning of ideology. Cross-disciplinary perspectives. (pp. 110-136). London: Routledge, 2007.

Politics, ideology and discourse

Politics, ideology and discourse. Elsevier Encyclopedia of Language and Linguistics, 2005. Volume on Politics and Language (Ruth Wodak, Ed.), pp. 728-740.

Comments on context and conversation

In Norman Fairclough, Giuseppina Cortese & Patrizia Ardizzone (Eds), Discourse and Contemporary Social Change. (pp. 281- 316). Bern: Peter Lang, 2007.

Context theory and the foundation of pragmatics

Plenary Lecture Congress of the Pragmatics Society of Japan, Osaka, December 2007.
Studies in Pragmatics, 10 (2008), 1-13.The expression of ethnic situation models in prejudiced stories. 1983.
In: J.P. Forgas, (Ed.) Language and social situations , 61-79. New York: Springer, 1985.

Critical discourse studies – a sociocognitive approach

In Ruth Wodak & Michael Meyer, Methods of Critical Discourse Analysis.
Second edition. (pp. 62-86). London: Sage, 2009.
Third Edition, London: Sage, 2015.

News, discourse and ideology

In Thomasz Hanitzsch & Karin Wahl-Jorgensen (Eds.), Handbook of Journalism Studies. (pp. 191-204). Hillsdale, NJ: Erlbaum, 2008.

Political identities in parliamentary debates

The expression of ethnic situation models in prejudiced stories. 1983.
In: J.P. Forgas, (Ed.) Language and social situations , 61-79. New York: Springer, 1985.

Racism, discourse and textbooks

The coverage of immigration in Spanish textbooks. Paper for a symposium on Human Rights in Textbooks, organized by the History Foundation, Istanbul, April 2004.
Published in R. de Cillia, H. Gruber, M. Krzyzanowski & F. Menz (Eds.), Discourse, Politics, Identity. Festschrift für Ruth Wodak. (pp. 427-438). Tübingen: Stauffenberg Verlag.

Discourse and ideology

In Teun A. van Dijk (Ed.), Discourse Studies. Second edition. (pp. 379-407). London: Sage, 2011.

Discourse and the production of knowledge

In Norbert M. Seel (Ed.), Encyclopedia of the Sciences of Learning. (pp. 1001-1006). Heidelberg: Springer, 2012.

Discourse studies and hermeneutics

Discourse Studies, 13(5), 609-621. (Special Issue on Discourse Studies and Hermeneutics) 2011

Discourse, knowledge, power and politics

Towards Critical Epistemic Discourse Analysis.
In Christopher Hart (Ed.), Critical Discourse Studies in Context and Cognition. (pp. 27-63). Amsterdam: Benjamins, 2011

A note on epistemics and discourse analysis

British Journal of Social Psychology, Volume 51 (pp. 478-485). Special Issue “Twenty five years of discursive psychology, edited by Martha Augoustinos, 2012.

Discourse and knowledge

In James Paul Gee & Michael Handford (Eds.), Handbook of Discourse Analysis. (pp. 587-603). London: Routledge, 2012.

Discourse, power and symbolic elites

Metropolis (Barcelona). Winter, January-March, 2010.

Knowledge, discourse and domination

In Michael Meeuwis & Jan-Ola Östman (Eds.), Pragmaticizing Understanding. Studies for Jef Verschueren. (pp. 151-196). Amsterdam: John Benjamins, 2012.

 Ideology and discourse

In: Michael Freeden, Lyman Tower Sargent & Marc Stears (Eds.), The Oxford Handbook of Political Ideologies. (pp. 175-196). Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2013

Discourse – cognition – society

Current state and prospects of the socio-cognitive approach to discourse. In Christopher Hart & Piotr Cap (Eds). Contemporary Studies in Critical Discourse Analysis. (pp. 121-146). London: Bloomsbury, 2014.


In Karen Tracy (Ed.), International Encyclopedia of Language and Social Interaction. London: Wiley-Blackwell, 2015.

Critical discourse analysis

In D. Tannen, D. Schiffrin & H. Hamilton (Eds.), Handbook of Discourse Analysis. (pp. 352-371). Oxford: Blackwell, 2001.
New version in Second Edition of the Handbook, Deborah Tannen, Heidi Hamilton & Deborah Schiffrin (Eds.), 2015. (pp. 466-485). Wiley-Blackwell, Chichester, UK.

Critical discourse studies

Multidisciplinary CDA: A Plea for Diversity. In Ruth Wodak & Michael Meyer (Eds.), Methods of critical discourse analysis. (pp. 95-120). London: Sage, 2001.
New version “Critical Discourse Studies: A sociocognitive approach” , Third Edition, (pp. 62-85), 2016.

Racism in the press

In Nancy Bonvillain (Ed.), Handbook of Linguistic Anthropology. (pp. 384-392). London: Routledge, 2015.

How Globo media manipulated the impeachment of Brazilian President Dilma Rousseff

Discourse & Communication, 11(2),199–229, 2017.

Discourse and migration

In: Evren Yalaz and Ricard Zapata-Barrero (Eds.), Handbook of Qualitative Research in European Migration Studies. (pp. 227-245). Berlin: Springer, 2018.

Sociocognitive discourse studies

In John Richardson & John Flowerdew (Eds.), Handbook of Discourse Analysis. London: Routledge, 2018, pp. 26-43.

Spanish discourse on refugees

In Antonio M. Bañón y Bernard McGuirk (Eds.), Refugees in Conflict and Post-Conflict. Media, Artistic and Political Representations. Studies in Post-Conflict. Volume 12 London: Critical, Cultural and Communication Press, 2021

The discourse of the Unified Black Movement in Brazil

Paper VIII Colóquio e III Instituto da ALED-Brasil, 26 abril 2021.
Portuguese translation “O Discurso do Movimento Negro Unificado no Brasil” in Viviane Resende (Ed.), Estudos do Discurso: relevância social, interseccionalidade, interdisciplinaridade. Anais do VIII Colóquio da ALED-Brasil. Brasilia: Universidade de Brasilia.

Are ideologies negative

In Isabela Fairclough, Jane Mulderrig & Karin Zotzmann (Eds). (2021), Language and Power: Essays in Honour of Norman Fairclough. (pp. 147-155). Amazon, Independent Publication.

Social movement manifestos

In Carmen-Rosa Caldas Coulthard & Malcolm Coulthard (Eds). Text and Practices, 2nd Edition. London: Routledge, 2022.

The discourse, cognition, society framework

Paper IX Colóquio ALED Brasil, Universidad de Victoria, Espiritu Santo, Brazil, 2022

(Anti)racist discourse

In Paul Gee & Michael Handford (Eds.), Handbook of Discourse Analysis. London: Routledge. (2nd edition), 2023

Publication list
Teun A. van Dijk